This is a practice demo for the new chatter triggers, working from the released Spring '11
example. By typing the keyword '!close' on a Opportunity entity feed, it will automatically close the Opportunity. This could be a very usefull feature to quickly close an opp from a mobile phone on the mobile chatter app.
Here is the trigger code
example. By typing the keyword '!close' on a Opportunity entity feed, it will automatically close the Opportunity. This could be a very usefull feature to quickly close an opp from a mobile phone on the mobile chatter app.
Here is the trigger code
trigger CloseOpportunity on FeedItem (after insert) { SetoppIds = new Set (); List tasks = new List (); List opps2Update = new List (); Map oppId2PostCreator = new Map (); //Get the key prefix for the Opportunity object via a describe call. String oppKeyPrefix = Opportunity.sObjectType.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix(); for (FeedItem f : { String parentId = f.parentId; //We compare the start of the 'parentID' field to the Opportunity key prefix to //restrict the trigger to act on posts made to the Opportunity object. if (parentId.startsWith(oppKeyPrefix) && f.type == 'TextPost' && f.Body.startsWith('!close')) { oppIds.add(f.parentId); oppId2PostCreator.put(f.parentId, f.CreatedById); } } List opps = [select id,, ownerId, stageName, closeDate from Opportunity where id in :oppIds]; for (Opportunity o : opps) { //We compare the creator of the Chatter post to the Opportunity Owner to ensure //that only authorized users can close the Opportunity using the special Chatter 'hot-key' if (oppId2PostCreator.get(o.Id) == o.ownerId) { o.StageName = 'Closed Won'; o.CloseDate =; Task t = new Task ( OwnerId = o.OwnerId, WhatId = o.Id, Priority = 'High', Description = 'Check-in with ', Subject = 'Follow-up', ActivityDate =; tasks.add(t); opps2Update.add(o); } } update opps2Update; insert tasks; }
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