Thursday, May 14, 2020

Github Pages SSL and Custom Domain with Godaddy DNS Setup

Getting Started
Create a new github repo with naming convention - ""
Godaddy DNS Settings
Point your Godaddy domain to the Github servers with 4 A Name records as follows and 1 CNAME record to redirect to your "" repo created in step 1.

Also, when you buy a new domain from Godaddy there will be a CNAME record pointed at value of "Parked" - this record needs to be deleted.

Github Repo SSL settings
You will need to give Godaddy roughly 15min - 1 hour to propagate the new DNS settings created above. You will see in your Github Repo settings the following setup once Github completes the TLS issuing process. Confirm "Enforce HTTPS" is checked here to complete the setup. This will also add a new CNAME record to the root directory of the repo.
Preview your site live being served over HTTPS

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