Sunday, December 13, 2020

Github Pull Request Resolve Conflicts with VSCode (many conflicts)

When trying to merge a pull request and faced with hundreds of conflicts the UI option in Github will no longer be an option.. and instead you are going to have to do the merge yourself using the command line! 

Luckily vscode makes this process visual and easy to digest. It has become my preference for resolving any number of conflicts.

Lets take a look at the following scenario:

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Salesforce Consuming a Rest API with Apex (Zendesk)

A lightweight design pattern for consuming a REST API(Zendesk) with APEX.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Jenkins Parameterized Jenkinsfile Build (Salesforce SFDX Deploy Params)


This article will discuss how to introduce declarative configurable parameters to your Jenkinsfile build job. We will be tying these parameters into the Salesforce SFDX Deploy Stage of our build. The goal of this is to have a very diverse way to kick of builds from different Git branches and to different Salesforce environments as well.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Jenkins Pipeline with Bitbucket Integration (Continuous Integration)


This article will focus on a step-by-step setup guide for a continuous integration pipeline leveraging Jenkins and Bitbucket Cloud.



+ Jenkins server hosted on a AWS EC2 Instance
+ Bitbucket Private Repo

Install Bitbucket Source Plugin